Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back Again!

Ok, well, seems like for now this is working....
This is pretty much a run down of my summer.


Discovery Camp- The Krazy Kitty Katz: 2 Campers, 6 and 7, great kids, I love them.
Holiday 1- The Swimmers: 6 Campers, 7, also great kids, I love them.
Holiday 2- 8 Campers, 7 and 8, worst week, but mostly great kids, I love them.
Holiday 3- The Twinkies: 6 Campers, excellent week, I love them.
Teen Camp- 4 Campers, awesome week (with the campers), I'll never forget, I love them.
Music Camp- It was ok. I got my braces off. YAY! I lost my ring. BOO!
Huntsville- WOW. I had fun.
Territioral- I'm going back. every single year, until I'm too old.
First week of school- Meh.