Blonde Moment
Ok, so maybe this could have been prevented if it didn't happen at 11pm and I wasn't alone, but alas, it did, and I was. So I'm sitting on my bed, and I see this bottle of Hydrogen Peroxyde on my head board (I keep it there in case my ears get infected...I like the tingle). So I'm like "hmm, I just got a jumbo blister today, bigger than my eyeball, and it's open, and I don't want it to get infected, so I'll clean it out with this stuff" BAD IDEA. My leg was twitching with pain all night. At least it's a clean blister. Some friendly advice: Don't put Hydrogen Peroxyde on open wounds, PLEASE wait until they are closed and scabbed over. Unless you want to go through a lot of unnecessary pain. *go ahead, laugh*
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